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Westfield Penny Postcards

Last 7 Days: 15

Walk down memory lane as we journey back to a time when Westfield was a much younger community. “Penny postcards” were primarily used in the early 1900s when you wanted to write to your family and friends from where you were visiting. Taking a weekend trip and sending a few cards from your destination was the way to stay in touch.

The cards would only cost a penny to send, hence the term “penny postcards.” What’s also interesting is checking the postmark. Sometimes, someone from Clark visited Westfield and then sent postcards to friends back in Clark. It’s pretty funny. While the practice of sending penny postcards is long gone, people still collect and share their collections. Our digital collection includes beautiful and historic images for those who want to see the early days of Westfield, New Jersey. Enjoy Westfield’s first online digital postcard collection.

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1 thought on “Westfield Penny Postcards”

  1. Too bad there is no longer an overhang at the Northside train station. It was such a beautiful building with the exposed stonework.

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