
Wearing Lost Jersey Local History Newark Collection

Mr Local History loves history with a social twist. In fact, it’s our motto! So we thought how fun it would be to share some of the most loved Newark, New Jersey businesses and famous history. We started researching and putting our artists to work to recreate an offering of vintage retro merchandise that honors the history we want to wear and remember.

Wearing Lost Newark, Vailsburg, Ironbound/Neck, Brick City, or whatever you love about this historic Jersey area history – Check out the merch here

We Call it the “Wear Lost Newark History” Collection

As we hear from our readers, the collection keeps growing. It’s amazing how many people remember these former businesses (and a few still standing) that dotted our Jersey landscape: Bamburgers, Ginos, EJ Korvettes, Two Guys, Vailsburg Motordrome, Fred Kramer (Cyclist), and so many more. Click and look down memory lane and see if there’s any history you’d like to wear from this fun new history collection.

See the Wear Lost Newark Local History Collection

More Dedicated Jersey Wear Lost History Collections

MLHP has many specific historical collections from our board members who grew up in New Jersey. Check out:

The non-profit Mr. Local History Project has partnered with online retailer RED BUBBLE, an internet-based company that prepares our artwork in several styles and products. They process and ship directly to you. We’ll continue to grow the collection based on your thoughts and feedback. So, if you miss a place, let us know, and we’ll see what we can do. MLH is a non-profit 501c3 organization with a mission to preserve and promote Jersey History with a social twist. Honesty we only make a $1 or 2 on each sale, so it’s more about promoting history and less about making money.

Most items are from actual advertisements we’ve researched from when they were in business. The addresses and telephone numbers are original from that time.

Want to Recommend a Lost Iconic Local Business or Event?

Maybe we’re missing a business chain, and you want to add it to the collection? Post your feedback in the comments section below, and we’ll see what we can do.

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