Township Historian

The History of Bernards Township Street Names

Before I begin this post, I must say that this topic was one of my favorites, along with June Kennedy, our Basking Ridge Town historian who passed away in November 2018. We often challenged each other to dig into the true meaning of naming all the 463 streets. I think I remember hearing that June was named somewhere around 40 of the 463 street names, so finding the truth was sometimes a challenge. But we did the analysis nonetheless. See what our research has found out since our sessions with June.

The entire Bernards Township street name list is at the end of this story.

The streets covered include the hamlets of Basking Ridge, Lyons, Liberty Corner, and West Millington, which make up Bernards Township. June Kennedy became involved with history when she moved to town from Little Silver, New Jersey. During the “boom boom” build years in Bernards Township starting in the 1960s, she became increasingly frustrated at developers building in the township and naming streets after their sons, daughters, golf clubs, and others. So, she got involved.

Based on discussions with June, she named over 40 streets as a historian and was an advisor to David Schley and the Bernards Township Engineering Department until five years ago.

Street Names by the Numbers

In business, nothing drives us more than metrics. Knowing the numbers drives the discussions. So, let’s give you a few metrics:

  • Fifty-two street names start with the letter C – the most by any other letter
  • Seventy-five streets were named after residents. 83 if you include the “Reverends” category.
  • Thirty-one streets were named after Revolutionary War events in the area.
  • Twenty-nine streets were named after a developer’s relative
  • Twenty-three street names need your help to determine their proper category! (Post in Comments below)

Let’s Analyze a Bit More

A bit of a strange metric, but people asked for the streets’ starting letters. From our analysis, C, S, and W took honors.

Street Name Categories

Our next metric focuses on a critical set of categories that June and I agreed on. It’s great that the town ties back to its roots, with Area Features, Local Residents, and England taking the top three categories.

83 Streets Were Named After Basking Ridge Residents

(Residents are 75 plus 8 Reverends)

Street NameOriginCategory
ACKEN RDNamed for the Acken family of Liberty Corner, landowners and shopkeepersLocal Resident
ALEXANDRIA WAYNamed for William Alexander, Lord Stirling (1726-1783)Local Resident
ALLEN RD, C.R. (652)Named for Josiah Allen of Liberty Corner, descendent of Ethan Allen, American soldier and patriot, 18th CenturyLocal Resident
ALLEN STNamed for W. J. Allen, who owned much land in Basking Ridge Village in the mid-19th CenturyLocal Resident
AMBAR PLNamed for settlers in the area, early 20th CenturyLocal Resident
ANNIN RDThey were named for the John Annin family (Johnstons of Annandale, Scotland). Their 1,000 acres in 1722 were called Annin’s Corner and later renamed Liberty Corner.Local Resident
BALDWIN CTNamed for an old family of Liberty Corner, 19th CenturyLocal Resident
BERNARD DRNamed for Sir Francis Bernards, provincial Governor of New Jersey 1758-1760Local Resident
BROWNLEE PLNamed for the Rev. William Brownlee, sixth pastor of the Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church. Street originally called Back Street (1783-1860)Reverend
CALDWELL CTNamed for the Rev. James Caldwell (1734-1781) “fighting person” of the American RevolutionReverend
CARSWELL CTNamed for the Carswell family, active in township community affairs since the 20th CenturyLocal Resident
CHAPIN LNNamed for the original estate of the Chapin-Earhart familyLocal Resident
CHILDS RDNamed for William Childs, who moved the barn to the Old Mill Inn site, and Samuel Childs, benefactor to the Bernards Township Library in the 1900’sLocal Resident
CODDINGTON CTNamed for early settlers in the West Millington area of the TownshipLocal Resident
COLLYER LNNamed for the John Collyer family, large landowners on South Maple Avenue, 19th CenturyLocal Resident
CONKLING STNamed for the Conkling family, 19th Century settlers in BernardsLocal Resident
COOPER CTNamed for early settlers in the TownshipLocal Resident
CROSS RDNamed for the Rev. John Cross, the first pastor of the Basking Ridge Presbyterian ChurchReverend
CULBERSON RDNamed for the Culberson family, landowners for more than 150 years. The street runs through their property.Local Resident
DAYTON STNamed for William L. Dayton (1807-1864), U.S. Senator, Vice Presidential candidate and Ambassador to FranceLocal Resident
DECKER STThe Bernards Plateau is named for early settlers in the Township. Carl G. Decker sold this tract to Wheeler Corporation in 1939.Local Resident
DOGGETT CTNamed after the President of the High Meadow Hunt ClubLocal Resident
DOUGLAS RDNamed for the Douglas family who settled this area in 1765Local Resident
DRYDEN RDNamed for John Dryden (1631-1700) English poet, dramatist and criticLocal Resident
DYCKMAN PLNamed for the Rev. W. H. Dyckman, who preached in both the Basking Ridge and Methodist Churches, 19th CenturyReverend
E ALLEN STNamed for W. J. Allen, who owned much land in Basking Ridge Village in the mid-19th CenturyLocal Resident
E CRAIG STNamed for Daniel D. Craig, banker and storekeeper, 19th CenturyLocal Resident
E LEWIS STNamed for the Edward Lewis family, who arrived in the 18th Century and contributed to many township activities since 1730’sLocal Resident
ELLIS DRNamed for Monroe F. Ellis, for whom Monroe Place was also named in the 1900sLocal Resident
ENGLISH PLNamed for the Rev. James English (1810-1873), first pastor of the Liberty Corner Presbyterian ChurchReverend
EVERSON PLNamed for the original family on the property before development in the late 1900’sLocal Resident
FORBES CTNamed for Dr. John Forbes, a local physician, theLocal Resident
GOLTRA DRNamed for James P. Goltra (1792-1871), farmer, judge, and builder of the Liberty Corner Presbyterian ChurchLocal Resident
GOVERNOR DRNamed for Sir Francis Bernards (1712-1779), N.J. Provincial Governor, 1758-1760Local Resident
HAAS RDNamed for John V. Haas, farmer and owner of Sunnyside Farm in the West Millington areaLocal Resident
HADLEY CTNamed for Henry K. Hadley (1871-1937), U.S. composer and conductorLocal Resident
HARRISON BROOK DRNamed for John Harrison, agent of the King of England, who bought 3000 acres of land for $50 from the Lenai Lenape Indians in 1717Local Resident
HARTLEY LNNamed for David Hartley (1705-1757), English physician and philosopherLocal Resident
HENRY STNamed for Parmenus C. Henry, owner of P.C. Henry’s General Store and other properties in the area, 19th CenturyLocal Resident
IRVING PLNamed for Isaac L. Irving’s family of Liberty Corner—former mortician, wheelwright, and blacksmith, 19th CenturyLocal Resident
JOHNSTON CIRNamed for the Johnston family who left Annandale, Scotland, and arrived in 1722 in an area known today as Liberty CornerLocal Resident
KINNAN WAYNamed for Mary Lewis Kinnan (1764-1848), captive of the Indians, rescued and returned to Basking Ridge in 1794Local Resident
KNOLLCROFT RDNamed for Walter Reynolds’s estate, most of the property is now occupied by U.S. Veterans Medical Center, Lyons.Local Resident
LAYTON RDNamed for Peter Layton of Liberty Corner, former mortician, wheelwright, and blacksmith, 19th CenturyLocal Resident
LEWIS STNamed for the Edward Lewis family, who arrived in the 18th Century and contributed to many township activities since 1730’sLocal Resident
LORD STIRLING RDNamed for Lord Stirling, William Alexander (1726-1783), a major general in the Continental Army whose estate “Stirling Manor” was built here in 1762Local Resident
LURLINE DRNamed for Lurline Eberkardt, accidentally shot while huntingLocal Resident
LYONS PLLyons Railroad Station was named for David Lyons’s family in the late 18th Century. The family-owned the land where Lyons Railroad Station is located.Local Resident
LYONS RDLyons Railroad Station was named for David Lyons’s family in the late 18th Century. Family-owned land where Lyons Railroad Station is located encouraged Bernards to bring the first railroad to the area in 1872.Local Resident
MARTINSVILLE RD, CR (525)Named for a thoroughfare in the Township, which terminates in Martinsville (Bridgewater). Named for the prominent Martin familyLocal Resident
MEEKER RDNamed for the Meeker family, which had extensive land holdings since the mid-19th CenturyLocal Resident
MILITO WAYNamed for the Milito family who occupied land and have lived there since the late 1800sLocal Resident
MONROE PLNamed for Monroe F. Ellis, for whom Ellis Drive was named in the 1900s.Local Resident
MORRISON STNamed for early settlers in the TownshipLocal Resident
N ALWARD AVENamed for the Alward Family who settled on land here in 1732Local Resident
N FINLEY AVE, C.R. (613)Named for the Rev. Robert Finley (1772-1817), fifth pastor of the Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church and builder of the 1809 Brick AcademyReverend
N VOORHEES DRNamed for Dr. Amadee Voorhees, a country doctor in the mid-19th CenturyLocal Resident
OAKLEY STNamed for an early family that settled in the areaLocal Resident
OSBORNE PLNamed for J.H. Osborne’s sawmill and pondLocal Resident
PENNINGTON STNamed for Dr. William Pennington, country physicianLocal Resident
PITNEY CTIt was named for James Pitney, the first recorded settler in this area, in the early 18th Century.Local Resident
RADEL PLNamed for a 19th Century farming familyLocal Resident
RANKIN AVENamed for the Rev. John C. Rankin, tenth pastor of the Basking Ridge Presbyterian ChurchReverend
RIGGS CTThe Riggs family settled in the area in the early 1800’sLocal Resident
RUNYON DRNamed for early settlers in the West Millington areaLocal Resident
S ALWARD AVENamed for the Alward Family who settled on land here in 1732Local Resident
S FINLEY AVE, C.R. (613)Named for the Rev. Robert Finley (1772-1817), fifth pastor of the Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church and builder of the 1809 Brick AcademyReverend
SCOTSMAN WAYNamed in honor of the Annin family, known as Johnston in Scotland. Settled Liberty Corner area in 1722Local Resident
SOUTHARD PLNamed for the Southards, Father Henry (1747-1842), U.S. Representative; Sen. Samuel L. (1787-1842), U.S. Senator, NJ Governor, Secretary of the NavyLocal Resident
SPENCER RDNamed for Austin P. Spencer, lost at sea in the North Atlantic while piloting a bomber on submarine duty in 1943Local Resident
SUTRO PLIt was named for the Sutro family, which owned property on South Finley Avenue. Son Frederick (1879-1964) was executive director of the NJ Park Commission.Local Resident
THOMPSON WAYNamed for Harold Thomson, former mayor and Township committee member from 1948 -1956Local Resident
TURNER STNamed for Kenneth A. Turner Sr., Bernards Township Engineer, 1932-1957Local Resident
TYSLEY STNamed for early settlers in the Township. Tysley Avenue is in BernardsvilleLocal Resident
VAIL TERRNamed for Daniel Vail (1735-1793), large land owner & distant cousin of Alfred Vail, who, with Samuel F. B. Morse, invented the telegraph @Speedwell, Morristown, 1844Local Resident
VAN DORN RDNamed for Ferdinand Van Dorn (1807-1902), who owned and operated the flour/grist mill in Franklin CornersLocal Resident
VANDERVEER DRNamed for Dr. James Vanderveer (1838-1913), country doctorLocal Resident
VOORHEES DRNamed for Dr. Amadee Voorhees, a country doctor in the mid-19th CenturyLocal Resident
W CRAIG STNamed for Daniel D. Craig, banker and storekeeper, 19th CenturyLocal Resident
W HENRY STNamed for Parmenus C. Henry, owner of P.C. Henry’s General Store and other properties in the area, 19th CenturyLocal Resident
WHITENACK RDNamed for the Whitenack family, which settled here in the mid-18th Century and were large landownersLocal Resident
WOLF LNNamed for Lyla Wolf Florio’s maiden name, property ownerLocal Resident
WOODWARD LNNamed for the Woodward family, which supplied grain and material to the Revolutionary War troops at Jockey HollowLocal Resident

32 Streets Named Honor the Revolutionary War Terms

Street NameOrigin
BEACON CREST DRNamed for the mounted gun used in the Revolutionary War
BULLION DRNamed for the location of Revolutionary Ware beacon, designed by Lord Stirling
CANNON CTNamed for the Green Mountain Boys, soldiers from Vermont, organized by Ethan Allen in 1775
COLONIAL DRNamed for a person who supported America’s fight during the Revolutionary War
CONCORD LNNamed for the second battle of the American Revolution, Concord, MA, April 19, 1775
FIFE LNNamed for a type of flute used in military musical groups
FLINTLOCK CTNamed for a firearm used in the American Revolution
GREEN MOUNTAIN DRNamed for Nathan Hale (1755-1776), an American soldier hanged as a spy by the British during the American Revolution
HALE CTNamed for John Honeyman (1727-1822), who was a spy for George Washington prior to the Battle of Trenton, 1776
HANCOCK CTNamed for John Hancock (1737-1793) first signer of the Declaration of Independence, 1776
HARCOURT LNNamed for Col. William Harcourt, arresting British officer of General Charles Lee at the Widow White’s Tavern, Basking Ridge, 12/13/76
HESSIAN DRNamed for a mercenary used by England during the American Revolution
HONEYMAN RDNamed for Marquis de Lafayette, friend of General George Washington (1757-1834) French general and statesman
HUNTINGTON RDNamed for Samuel Huntington (1731-1797) American Revolution political leader
KNOX CTNamed for General Henry Knox (1750-1806) of Washington’s staff in the American Revolution
LAFAYETTE LNNamed for the first battle of the American Revolution at Lexington in 1775
LEE PLNamed for General Charles Lee (1731-1782) arrested by the British in Basking Ridge on December 13, 1776
LEXINGTON RDNamed for William Prescott (1726-1795), a U.S. soldier who played a vital part in the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775. “Don’t fire till you see the whites of their eyes” – famous order given in Battle
MINUTEMAN CTNamed for an American militia man just before and after the Revolutionary War, who was ready for instant military service
MT PROSPECT RDNamed for the very old geographic area from Revolutionary War times
MUSKET DRNamed for a large heavy-caliber handgun used in the Revolutionary War
PAINE CTNamed for Thomas Paine (1737-1809), patriot and writer, the “Conscience of the American Revolution.”
PRESCOTT CTNamed William Prescott (1726-1795), a U.S. soldier who played a vital part in the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775. “Don’t fire till you see the whites of their eyes” – famous order given in Battle
PRINCETON CTNamed for the Battle of Princeton, American Revolutionary War, 1777
QUINCY RDNamed for Eliza Susan Morton Quincy (1764-1850), who wrote her recollections of Basking Ridge during and after the American Revolution
REVERE DRNamed for Paul Revere (1735-1818), American patriot and silversmith, famous for his night horseback ride, April 18, 1775
RICKEY LNNamed for Col. Israel Rickey (1744-1821), a valuable officer in the Revolutionary War
SENTINEL DRNamed for a soldier stationed as a guard to challenge all comers and prevent a surprise attack
STIRLING LNNamed for Lord Stirling, William Alexander (1726-1783), American Revolutionary War major general
SULLIVAN DRNamed for General John Sullivan (1740-1795), Revolutionary War leader
WAYNE TERRNamed for General “Mad Anthony” Wayne (1745-1796), American Revolutionary War leader

Developers Ran the Roost for Street Names for a Period

This was the category where June Kennedy finally put her foot down. For several years, starting in the 1960s, development increased rapidly. Without June, the developers were permitted to name the street. So what did they do? They typically named the street after a family member, spouse, or child. So, is your street named after a developer’s relative?

New Street Name Recommendations

Based on historical research, here’s a list of five street names we recommended to the Bernards Township Township Committee:

John Morton – 1779 Hospital – The Rebel Banker & Basking Ridge Resident (1776)

As a wealthy merchant, Morton became known as the “Rebel Banker” for loaning large sums of money to the rebel cause. 1775, Morton liquidated most of his capital to loan the Revolutionary War effort. After the capture of New York City by the British, John, and Maria Sophia Morton were forced to flee with their large family (six kids) to Elizabethtown, New Jersey, where they remained for several weeks in a house in Springfield with five other families, who were also fugitives. Not feeling safe, they decided to go beyond the “Long Hill” and settled on Basking Ridge in 1776, where they called for their belongings from New York City.

Elias Boudinot – President of Continental Congress – Basking Ridge Resident

Boudinot was elected a delegate to the Continental Congress and President of the Continental Congress in 1783. He purchased over 100 acres of land in Basking Ridge in 1771 and 1772 from Edward Lewis but would remain in Elizabeth longer. Boudinot served on New Jersey’s first Committee on Correspondence, formed in 1774, tasked with contacting the legislatures of each colony so that they could join Virginia and offer concerted opposition toward British encroachments. In August 1775, Boudinot secretly rounded up and sent to General George Washington desperately needed supplies of gunpowder. A year later, he served as an aide-de-camp to Brigadier General William Livingston, who became the state’s first governor elected under the new state constitution. In 1777, Boudinot was commissioned Commissary General of Prisoners by the Continental Congress. He lived in Basking Ridge while serving as president of the Continental Congress from 1782-83. He sold the house in 1785.

Alexander Kirkpatrick – Early Settler to Basking Ridge (1736)

Alexander Kirkpatrick (b.1697) settled at Mine Brook in 1736 on the farm lately owned by Henry Baird. The Kirkpatricks belonged to a noble family in Scotland. Alexander, the family’s ancestor in this country, was born at Watties Neach, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. He moved with his family to Belfast, Ireland, after the birth of his son David in about 1725. 

John Ayers – Early Settler to Basking Ridge (1727)
John Ayres came from Woodbridge, New Jersey, and was born on March 02, 1663, in Newbury, MA. Son of Obadiah Ayres and Hannah Ayres (Pike), husband of Mary Ayers and Ruth Ayres. He had seven sons: John, Thomas, Obadiah, Nathaniel, Benjamin, Moses, and Aaron.  He moved to Basking Ridge the same year Harrison bought the land from the Indian Chief Nowenwalk.  John Ayres, who settled on the Millstone in 1717, is mentioned as having landed in the east part of the Basking Ridge in 1727. John Ayres is noted for donating 1 ½ acres, which included the land on which a log meeting house stood in 1730, but it was said that the meeting house had probably been there since at least 1725 (the BRPC states 1717).

James Alexander – Early Settler to Basking Ridge (1720)

James Alexander, the father of William Alexander (Lord Stirling), was a large landowner who had to deal with “squatters” on his land. James Pitney was noted as being on James’ land when he first arrived in the area. Research shows Cornelius Brees, from Staten Island, bought land in 1720 from James Alexander on the East side of the Dead River, which James Pitney had occupied. John Ayres’s son Obadiah also bought land from Alexander.

Thanks for taking a look at our street names presentation. I shared it at the local historical society back in 2017. I hope to present the presentation and topic again in the future. Below is the list of every street name we knew as of 2016. Enjoy the list.

Still Researching

MLH is still looking to determine the 13 streets where we don’t have definitive proof of naming.
Post in the Comments section if you have an idea or opinion.

Street NameOriginCategory
MOUNT HOREB RD, CR (525)Unknown
We’ll keep digging until we find them all.

Entire List of Bernards Township Street Names

Want to do your own research? Here’s our list.
As we gather additional information, we’ll add it to the sheet.

More Local History Research

Brooks Betz

Founder and Chair of the Mr. Local History Project

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