The Accent of Money is actually the history of money – and worth the watch!
A few years ago, PBS released a documentary called The Accent of Money, hosted by Niall Furgerson. Based on his book about the same topic, it’s worth a watch.

Whenever I refer to this type of story, it’s interesting how people reply back about the “slant” of the piece. Overdone? Liberal view. Keynesian demand side? Doesn’t matter what persuasion you are so long as the program makes you think about it (and maybe learn something).
We’re making my kids watch this!
It’s a two-hour program, and it’s FREE online. What a deal!
“By learning how societies have continually created and survived financial crises, we can find solid solutions to today’s worldwide economic emergency.” As he traverses historic financial hot spots around the world, Ferguson illuminates fundamental economic concepts and speaks with leading experts in the financial world.