History of The Bernards Township Flag

4 years ago

Bernards Township has an impressive history that dates back to the early 1600s. The Mr. Local History Project started investigating…

Where is West Millington, Lyons and Madisonville Sections of Bernards Township

4 years ago

NOTE: As with all Mr. Local History retrospectives, we often update the post when we learn stories and are sent…

Pari Mandalapu Chosen 2021 Ridge High School Mr Local History Scholarship Winner

4 years ago

Ridge High School senior Pari Mandalapu is the recipient of the 2021 Mr. Local History Project Scholarship for Community Service…

T-SHIRT OFFER: Jersey Signers of the Declaration of Independence

4 years ago

Order now to show pride in the Jerseyans who signed the Declaration of Independence. Back for The Fourth of July…

Basking Ridge’s Stirling Manor or Perth Amboy’s Proprietary House : Which Came First?

4 years ago

The Mr. Local History Project is researching the thesis that another house known as Stirling Manor in Basking Ridge was…

Mr. Local History Releases 2021 Summer Edition Vol 3. Issue 2

4 years ago

Mr. Local History Online Magazine – a free magazine with stories about local history and events in New Jersey. Mr-Local-History-Magazine-Vol-3-Issue-2-Summer…

Why List a Historic District on the New Jersey Register of Historic Places?

4 years ago

The New Jersey Register of Historic Places is the official list of New Jersey's historic resources of local, state, and…

Collectible: Preserving Bedminster’s History with a Special Keepsake – Trump’s Summer Whitehouse

4 years ago

#45-47summerwhitehouse Preserving Bedminster's History - The Mr. Local History Project (MLH) has been preserving and promoting local history since our…

Somerset Hills Most Famous Families & Residents

4 years ago

With our Board of Trustees settled into Central New Jersey, isn't it fun to know what famous people live or…

Retrospective: Westfield’s Excellent Diner – A Lost (and Found) Jersey Treasure

4 years ago

Or maybe we need to say: Give everyone the Disneyland Paris Café des Cascadeurs (Stuntman's) diner update. #disneylandparisdiner As with…

Franklin Corners and William Childs Williamsburg-esqe Village

4 years ago

As with all Mr. Local History retrospectives, we often update the post when we learn stories and are sent photos…

Bernards BaseBall Club of 1867

4 years ago

The history of Basking Ridge (Bernards Township) sometimes comes in unique ways. While researching the internet for another story we…

Jersey Comfort Food – Mapping The Best of the Best!

4 years ago

UPDATE: MLHP just created a new map - Super Sized Pizzas of New Jersey - for those who want 24"…

Retrospective: Harry Dunham and His Park

4 years ago

As with all Mr. Local History retrospectives, we often update the post when we learn stories and are sent photos…

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