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Art and Local History in the Somerset Hills

Capturing History with Art in the Somerset Hills in Somerset County, New Jersey

The Mr. Local History Project has launched a new program to honor artists that celebrate our local history with art. We’re also looking for groups or art clubs interested in interpreting history with art. See the story at the end of this beautiful art show by some of the area’s local artists.

Be the Next Addition to Our Art Show

  • Liberty Corner Village Historic District. Artist - Paul Bachem

NOTE: On your phone just swipe right or left. On desktop, put mouse on image to stop. There are arrows in mid-section of art on edges to go backwards or forwards. Mouse off should move art automatically.

Documenting history sometimes comes in unique ways. As we’ve been studying history in the Somerset Hills you often visit the sites and come across an artist who’s capturing the venue on canvas. This piece is to honor those who capture our local history with art. The project will be ongoing and we invite the public to share an image of artwork from the area that showcases our local history. You never know, there might be an art show in the future.

Have Local History Art to Share?

Simply drop us a note with a jpeg image indicating your name, the name of the artist, and attaching a photo of the artwork. It should be from a Somerset Hills landmark scene, property, or event.

Send to [email protected] (remove the #2- this prevents SPAM).

Featured Artists

A special thank you to the talented artists participating in the Somerset Hills historic virtual art show. If you’d like to learn more about the artists, please click their link below:

Local History with Art Project

Join the Mr. Local History Project and help us record history with art. We’ve created a number of historic moments in the area’s local history for artists to recreate. Click Here for details.

Virtual Art Show of History in the Somerset Hills: Brick Academy art, Basking Ridge oak tree art, basking ridge village art, English Farm art, Pluckemin Academy art, Ross Farm art, Charter Day art, Farmstead art, General Charles Lee art, Liberty Corner art, Vanderveer House art, Bernards Township Charter art, Van Dorn mill art, Blairsden art, Grain House art, KMS farmstead art, KMS barn art, Bernardsville market art, Olcott school art, Somerset Hills Historic Village, and more.

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