
Retrospective: Westfield’s Iconic Jolly Trolley

This is a personal story and what I’m calling a web gift from the WHS class of 1980 to all those who loved the Jolly Trolley. I hope you continue to send in your stories and photos. As with all Mr. Local History retrospectives, we often update the post when we learn more and are sent photos from our community. We will continue to grow this piece as information becomes available. If you have a comment or photo, feel free to post at the bottom of this page or drop us a note.


The Mr. Local History Project designed a very limited run of a wooden keepsake of the Jolly Trolley and the Westfield Fire Department. Release date: July 19, 2023. Reserve yours today!

Click Here to get yours. (new window opens)

I’m still looking to add to this piece, so if you have any, please contact me:
The perfect shot of those green and white awnings of the Jolly Trolley
– A Jolly Trolley Menu
– Jolly Trolley Nametag
– Jolly Trolley softball or bowling team jersey
– Any Jolly Trolley merch (including matchbooks)
– Any old Jolly Trolley photos of the property

Brooks Betz, The Mr. Local History Project brooks@mrlocalhistory.org

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Part of the Mr. Local History Project’s “Wear Local History” collection – Over 200 recreated designs honoring Jersey’s local history.

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The Jolly Trolley was built in 1966 and was the flagship location of CB Holding Corp., the parent company of Charlie Brown’s Steakhouse, Bugaboo Creek Steak House, and The Office Beer Bar & Grill. This historic business was more than just a business in Westfield, it was an institution. So lets dig into this great Westfield story as we talk to residents, WHS alumni and former residents about what it was like at the bar and restaurant everyone will always remember as “The Trolley.”

FYI Charles’ father Gerson started another successful business in town, Baron’dess’ Drug store.

Jolley Tolley Beginnings – 1966

The story of the Jolly Trolley goes back to the spring of 1966, when WHS graduates Dave Monier (’56) and Chuck (Charles) Barondess (’57), along with Peter deLamos, opened their new restaurant business on April 7 in the former location of the Plaza Bar. It was later determined that deLamos and two partners were convicted in 1981 of operating the Jolly Trolley Casino in Las Vegas as a front for the mob.

Peter deLamos established himself at the Shore with at a string of restaurants in the 1960s and 1970s, including the Charlie Brown’s chain, What’s Your Beef and Barnacle Bill’s in Rumson, and Lock Stock and Barrel in Fair Haven. The legendary restauranteur who partnered with the Westfield duo was a Rumson resident whose career was derailed as deLamos and two other partners were convicted of running the Jolly Trolley Casino on the Las Vegas Strip as a front for the New Jersey Mob. He was sentenced to three years in prison and slapped with a $60,000 fine. The conviction and negative press surrounding his organized crime affiliation damaged deLamos’ reputation and business dealings. He was forced to sell restaurants What’s Your Beef and Barnacle Bill’s in the early 1980s. Sure, there was some name connection between Westfield’s Trolley and the Vegas Casino. Just sayin!

The Trolley Room in Jersey City – Where it all began.

“We named it after a bar that was on the New Jersey side of the Holland Tunnel called the Trolley (Room) Bar,” said Monier, a former fullback and first baseman at WHS. ” Why did we call it the Jolly Trolley? God only knows. We did some strange things back in those days.”

We can’t start the story without first knowing about the actual railed trolley that ran in Westfield. Many don’t know that the first trolley ran through Westfield back in 1898 along what is today’s NJ Transit #49 bus. The trolley system ended in 1935.

First of all, yes, there was a Westfield trolley. It ran until 1935; This one ran on Prospect Street. But no, there was no trolley when the Jolly Trolley opened in the 1960s.

At one time, trolley tracks used to run down from Elizabeth down Grove Street to Summit Avenue and into
Westfield on the way to Plainfield and points west. So, by coincidence or not, the name made sense.

The Trolley impacted him as a WHS Class of 79 graduate. Dave went on to be a transportation engineer. And yes, he was a big fan of the Trolley.

Before the Trolley
1910- Mooney’s Hotel

Our earliest image of 411 North Avenue dates back to 1910, when we found this photo of Mooney’s Hotel, adjacent to the Westfield Fire Department. The fire department was incorporated in 1883, but this building was said to be dated back to 1880, so we think there were still earlier businesses on our way to the Jolly Trolley legacy.

Walter W. Mooney’s Mooney’s Hotel. As proprietor next to the new firehouse in 1911, the hotel was advertised first in the Westfield Leader in July 1910 as “First Class Accommodations for Transients”. You could call them on the telephone at 136-R. A downstairs restaurant advertised “cold boiled lobster, lobster salad and soft shelled crabs always on hand.”
In 1913, 411 North Avenue became a full-blown hotel AND restaurant. Looks like it changed hands from W. W, Mooney to W. N. Mooney. Source: Westfield Leader

The property, alongside the railroad tracks and tied to the Westfield Fire Department, quickly became a commuter bar stop-off for those returning from Newark and NYC on the Raritan Valley Line.

But then we found this photo from the 1950s showing Mooney’s Hotel being sold to George Chrone, a hotelier and barkeep in Westfield who called the business the Plaza Bar and Hotel. The Chrones family was heavily engaged in local pubs.

The Jolly Trolley was actually The Plaza Hotel and Bar before it was the Jolly Trolley. The Chrones family owned the Plaza, and their lives were dedicated to the restaurant business. George Chrone of Westfield owned the Plaza until his death in 1969, when he passed it on to his son Albie (Albert) Chrone.

George Chrone’s Plaza Bar and Hotel in the 1950s before becoming the Jolly Trolley

Al Chrone was an avid fisherman and well-connected at the local YMCA until he passed in Florida in 2012. Allan Chrone owned the nearby Townhouse Restaurant and buildings on Quimby St. Maurice, also known as Sonny, owned Chrones in Mountainside, according to Cheryle Koza Parks, whose family was also in the restaurant business. “This was my Uncle’s establishment for many years,” said Bert Smith. “I suspect most people here were not even born yet when the Plaza was in operation.”

The iconic green and white awnings of Westfield’s Jolly Trolley
  • Oct. 10, 2016 – (Columbus Day) – Trolley building demolished.
  • Nov. 2018 – Liquor License sold for $750,000.

Jolly Trolley Prime Years:
Peanuts, Prime Rib, Cheddar Burgers, and THAT Salad!

Now, when you went to the Trolley to eat, you knew you would get some quality food. Menu favorites ranged from the onion soup, to the full salad bar, prime rib, and cheddar burgers. No matter whether you were at the bar or in the back room, the salad was always a best bet. But what was it going to be? The house salad or the salad bar. We’ll answer that in a minute.

Many patrons remember a few iconic memories. Who couldn’t forget the peanuts and shells everywhere on the bar area floor, providing a slick shell base to crunch when heading to the bar?

The iconic “peanut shell bar area” was a favorite to many.

That Chilled Salad with Baby Shrimp

Then there’s the Jolly Trolley house salad and the salad bar. Joan Lawrence asked, “Does anyone happen to have the recipe that the original Jolly Trolley used on their salad? The salad was made with baby shrimp, chopped hardboiled egg, and a dressing similar to cocktail sauce. This was probably served in the 1960s and 70s. Maybe someone from the Barondess family?”

The shredded lettuce, hard-boiled egg, baby shrimp, and the custom cocktail sauce Trolley salad.

James Pfeiffer wrote, “I was a salad boy there in 1970 and made the dressing in a 50-gallon tub, but if I told you the recipe, I’d have to kill you as it was that good.” So, if you want the secret recipe, track down James.

The famed salad bar at the Jolly Trolley

Not to be forgotten in all of this, but who quite often is, was Billy Pavao, a local Hawaiian, who they met at The Ilikai, and brought to New Jersey with them. He was one of the main original bartenders, along with Chuck Beddows, and it was the two if them that taught me to bartend after hours every night as they all kicked back to relax after a busy night.

Paul Tapley’s brother Bruce

Unofficial WHS Reunion:
Thanksgiving Eve @thetrolley

If you lived in town and went off to college your freshman year, nothing circled the calendar more than the night before Thanksgiving at the Trolley. Many wrote in, reminding me about the reunion-like atmosphere every Turkey Day eve. The place was packed! If you could imagine the Cheers sitcom, Cheers had nothing on the Jolly Trolley because “Everybody knew your name.” It was a town ritual right up to the end.

Here are some that were sent in. If you have a photo and want to share it, please send it in with the year and people in the photo.

Westfield Leader

I remember the Trolley actually being called the “Jolly Trolley Saloon” back in 1979. How many of you remember having a few drinks or a meal in the side dining room only to look up to the bookshelf and pull out a book or two? “Bet you didn’t know the library dining area first had real books”; said Elizabeth Gilmore-Duddy.  “In later years they cut the books in half so they’d fit in shallow shelves. Very disappointing.”

I worked at The Trolley as a waitress back around 97/98. I’ll never forget the endless peanut shells and regulars! I definitely got a lot of comments on my name tag “ Jolly Trolley Holly”
I always found that quite amusing.

Holly Ambrose – WHS class of ?

Iconic Porcelain Bathroom Memory

Steve Archambault reminded us of another stoic fixture at the Trolley, A single 10-foot-long urinal wall-to-wall filled with ice. “That urinal should be in the Smithsonian by now. How much ice could you melt?” One of my class of 1980 buddies, Mike Perry, then reminded me: ” I personally loaded those huge ornate marble urinals with bus boxes full of fresh ice scooped ice(in a sanitary fashion) from the ice machine in the kitchen after cleaning & mopping both bathrooms prior to my double each Sunday. Wouldn’t trade the experience for anything.”

Those who remember bathrooms know about the ice-filled urinals in the men’s room. Who knew they were such an attraction? They were similar to those still at McSorley’s Ale House in NYC.

I personally loaded those huge ornate marble urinals with bus boxes full of fresh ice scooped (in a sanitary fashion) from the ice machine in the kitchen after cleaning & mopping both bathrooms prior to my double each Sunday. Bussed my ass off but made good dough.
Wouldn’t trade the experience for anything.

Mike Perry – WHS Class of 1980

“It all started to go downhill around 1991 when they replaced the shower size urinals,” said FR Pete Harley (’76).
“It was the Jolly Trolley where my son, P.J., became a ‘big boy,’ peeing for the first time into those classics.”

Trolley Softball Team

OK, who still has a Jolly Trolley softball jersey? Was still going in 1999 as this article from the Westfield Leader showed.

SNL Underage Drinking at “the Trolley”

Adam Sandberg and Zach Efron take a trip to the Jolly Trolley in 2009 when it actually was The Office. Funny nonetheless. Rumor has it that a writer for SNL inserted the Trolley as the venue. True?

The Man Responsible for Changing the Name

In January 2005, it was announced that Charlie Browns had new owners. Trimaran Capital Partners has entered into a definitive agreement to purchase Charlie Brown’s, owner and operator of 54 full-service casual dining restaurants located in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, from Castle Harlan. Members of Charlie Brown’s senior management team, headed by Russell D’Anton, continued in their current positions and will be investors in the transaction. The transaction, valued at $ 1 40 million, closed during the first quarter of 2005.

Samuel Nicholas Borgese, President and CEO of CB Holding Corp., Is credited for removing the Jolly Trolley name. From 2008 to 2011, he was first Interim President and Chief Executive Officer and then permanent President and Chief Executive Officer of CB Holding Corp.

Samuel Nicholas Borgese, President and CEO of CB Holding Corp., “After reviewing this single environment, we decided to convert The Trolley to The Office because the restaurant has all the physical attributes of that concept.”

September 2009 – noted FOR one of the worst decisions in modern history.

On August 30, 2009 the name officially changed to the Office Bar & Grill. If you called (908) 232-1207, the answerer said, “The Office Bar and Grill.” Word is that the name change was a “corporate” decision.

The Trolley changes its awnings and reveals itself as “The Office.”
The famed King cut prime rib at the Trolley. Nothing was better. Westfield Leader advertisement from 1982
The Office staff. Send in if you know anyone or year!
Front Row: Neal Bradley, bottom left
Back Row: Hona (Helen) Cicalese, top row white sweater, Barbara (short blond hair)

In 2009, the most notable change was discontinuing the Trolley’s salad bar and prime rib offerings. New beer selections are also being served, which may mean the loss of some of The Trolley’s rotating draughts microbrews. A few décor renovations are also being engineered over the next few months, including fresh coats of paint, new booths, and plans to open up the bar area. While no staff changes have been initiated, former Trolley employees have been outfitted with a new uniform: jeans and black shirts, which is a little more relaxed than the Trolley wardrobe.

The bar and karaoke scene in 2013. Gotta love the TV signage. Happy Birthday, Rizzo!

May 8, 2016 – “Last Call”

Fast forward half a century as a staple in Downtown Westfield, on Sunday, May 8, 2016, The Office Beer Bar & Grill on 411 North Avenue closed its doors forever. Residents dropped in that final day to enjoy a few cold ones that weekend and reminisced about the good old days at what had become the town’s oldest bar.

Final day at the Office: Sunday, May 8, 2016. The last General Manager was Toni Lynn Colantino, an employee of over 20 years.
Footnote: The Cheers bar was one of many forced to close during the coronavirus pandemic because of suffering business. It shut down on Aug. 30, 2020, after serving Boston locals and tourists for 20 years in the Faneuil Hall Marketplace.

“I remember the peanuts on the floor. I remember that many a divorce and perhaps a romance started there, and I can tell you every building and every use has its life, but this building should be torn down. I will cry when it happens, but I will agree it’s something that will improve downtown Westfield.” 

John M. Boyle, a former Superior Court judge who lives in Westfield.

Finally, on Monday, October 9, 2016, the former Trolley met the end of an era. The building was demolished on Columbus Day to make way for a new three-story mixed-use complex. (See video below)

October 9, 2016. Courtesy Tap Westfield

Lastly, in November 2018, the liquor license that had belonged to the Jolly Trolley was sold for $750,000 to a new company expecting to open a restaurant on Central Avenue. Bareburger plans to open on Central Avenue in the vacant building left open by clothing store Coldwater Creek.

So What’s Next

The new building, now referred to as 411 North, will consist of 1,200 square feet dedicated to retail and personal services on the first floor, while 20 luxury one—and two-bedroom apartments will occupy the second and third floors. Thirty-three ground-level parking spaces under the structure are also included in the plans. Work has begun at 411 North Ave. W. will construct a new mixed-use residential and retail building.

Previously home to The Office Beer Bar & Grill and before that the popular Jolly Trolley for more than 40 years, the new building is next to the Westfield Fire Department and the North Avenue train station. It will have 25,810 total square feet, consisting of 1,200 square feet dedicated to retail and personal services on the first floor, and 20 luxury one- and two-bedroom apartments occupying the second and third floors. Thirty-three ground-level parking spaces under the structure will be included.

Local Quotes

This story is being pasted on a few Facebook pages, so we’ve gathered a few of the fun comments.
If you have a comment, please share it in the Comments section below or if you have an FB post there.

I worked in the kitchen at the Trolley in ’72ish. Started as a dishwasher, moved up to making the salads with the the tiny shrimp and eventually cut the prime rib. My dad, John Pinto aka “John Ootz”, high school buddy (I forget his name) was the manager and got me the job. It’s all a bit fuzzy now but I think it was a nice stepping stone in my upbringing.

Peter Pinto, WHS Class of 1976

There was an old golf bag hanging in front corner of the bar that we used to write and stuff all kinds of notes in…they could tell a story for sure.

Nancy Sexton Greco, WHS 81 and resident

The giant urinals are memorable. We played touch football every Saturday after Thanksgiving until we were well into our 50’s , and went to the Trolley to toss down a few and reminisce. A great tradition I really miss. Sadly about 3 of “us” passed away, but the memories…priceless.

Tom MacDowell WHS Class of 1970

Proud to have been named number 1 busboy according to Chen (number 1 dishwasher) back in ’79/’80. Great times with good people…

Mike Perry, WHS 1980

Nick Critelli asked if want to come back tomorrow and wash dishes. I jumped at the chance. And from that day on for 7 years or so, worked every job they had. From busboy, to cook, to salad maker, baking 12 cheesecakes at a time, to opening all the new restaurants that came up, and driving into NYC to pick up from the meat markets, and fish markets and distributing to all the restaurants.

Paul Tapley’s brother – One of the first workers at the Trolley in 1966.

Literally the best, memories of inter generational Westfield relationships built inside of those walls! Never forgotten!

Megan Sheehy-Liriano – WHS Class of 1997

We used to leave WHS and go to the Jolly Trolley for lunch, also the Oakland House in Garwood. We would buy cigarettes out of the machine in the entrance. I also remember the men’s bathroom had this crazy giant urinal…

John Pinto, WHS Class

I believe Nick, Danny and Joey were each 5 per cent owners when the Trolley and Charlie Brown’s were sold to Restaurant Associates. Peter deLamos and Chuck Barondess were history by 1969 when I began at What’s Your Beef and the Trolley.

Jeffrey Osmun

My first job as a salad boy !I know the recipe for the dressing use to make ! Moved up to busboy and then cook at What’s Your Beef in Plainfield. FYI the tables that were in what was called the alley along the firehouse side was actually a alley way that the horses were brought around to be hooked up to the fire apparatus.

James Pfeiffer

Worked as a dish washer there in high school – after dinner closing at 11pm, the chefs would make us anything we wanted – steak & lobster every Saturday night !!

Vince Balogh – WHS Class of 87 – younger brother of Mary Rita (Class of 80)

Share a Story

Post a comment of a fact below of a story you remember from the days at Westfield’s Jolly Trolley

Quick Facts – Jolly Trolley

Credo: “Yesterday’s Charm is at almost yesterday’s prices.”

  • Address: 411 North Avenue, Westfield
  • Building dates back to 1880 a full 31 years before the Westfield Fire House was built next door in 1911.
  • 1910 – Mooney’s Hotel and Restaurant – W.W. Mooney
  • 1950s – Plaza Bar and Hotel – George Chrone & family
  • April 7, 1966 – Dave, Chuck and Peter launch the Jolly Trolley (Jolley Trolley, Jolly Trolley Saloon)
    • The Jolly Trolley sponsored both bowling and softball teams. (Who has a jersey pic to share?)
  • Good Time Charlies was the sister restaurant to the Jolly Trolley
  • 1974 – Monier and Co. sold the Trolley, What’s Your Beef and Charlie Brown’s to Restaurant Associates part of a 30 restaurant chain deal.
  • 1977—Castle Harlan purchases a block of the restaurants for $50.4 million, including sister restaurants What’s Your Beef (Plainfield), The Office (Scotch Plains), The Foolish Fox (Montgomery), and Cahoots (Middlesex).
  • Jan 20, 2005 – Trimaran Capital Partners- bought 54 restaurants, including the Jolly Trolley, for $140m. Russel Anton remains in charge (since 1977)
  • 2005 – CB Holdings Corporation takes reigns of the company.
  • August 30, 2009 – Corporate decision to remove the Trolley name after 43 1/2 years. New name: Office Bar & Grill
  • May 6, 2016 – Last Office customers served. Last person turned out the light.

Preserving Westfields Local History with Keepsakes

Did you know that three iconic Westfield properties were recently added to the New Jersey Historic Village Collection? Learn More

Preserving Westfield’s Local History. Learn how you can help. Click Here

Related Mr. Local History Westfield Research

Brooks Betz

Founder and Chair of the Mr. Local History Project

View Comments

  • This article was amazing & brought back so many cherished memories with family & friends!!
    We even said goodbye after our 2015 WHS reunion in town, which was a blast & we closed it down that night !!

  • Great article about the legendary Jolly Trolley. I was very close to one of the founding partners, Peter deLamos who meet and teamed up with Westfield native, David Monier at the Illikai in Hawaii. Someone asked about the salad dressing. I have the recipe tucked away some where. I am on Nantucket until August but will try to find it when I return to NJ in August.. Barnacle Bill’s is still thriviing in Rumson as is the formed What’s Your Beef now Victory Park Tavern. The legendary Lock, Stock and Barrel in neighboring Fair Haven is now Nauvoo Grill

  • Well, my brother, Paul has many more interesting quotes than me, but it was me who was quoted in the article. And rather than call me a retired firefighter, it should be more like retired bartender... - Bruce H. Tapley

  • I made it into this article (thank you Brooks Betz) on the JOLLY TROLLEY! Not only was I, as well as my parents, a BIG fan, but I also had the fortune of working there in 1980 and ‘81.

    Some old engineering text books of my Grandfather Edward Boaté made it on to the shelves in the room behind the bar.

  • I grew up in Scotch Plains in the 60’s and always visited the Trolley when home from college and later when I was in the Navy! This was a great way to see old highschool friends with new friends. We also went to the Old Straw Hat on Route 22. I still make that shrimp and egg salad today with my own secret dressing! You

  • Fun fact for the Jolly Trolley. Jolly Trolley Las Vegas, was the Center Fold Casino. I helped remodel it into Jolly Trolley. Peter DeLamos, named it Jolley Trolley. Just for luck.

  • I worked there as a hostess waitress and bartender for about 7 years .. great memories .. good friends and I met my husband of 17 years now there .. miss that place so much !! Ps I do have my old card reader and name tag!!

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