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Mr.localhistoryproject1 day ago
The history of a dive bar in Cranford, New Jersey, learn about the 100+ year old dive bar that has captured the hearts of bar goers across northern New Jersey and even won a #1 award. Right there in Cranford,NJ in Union County- Cranford's Riverside Inn, aka theDIVE

A new collectible – The Riverside Inn c. 1900 – “The Dive” on the Rahway River – Cranford, New Jersey is coming!
Mr.localhistoryproject2 days ago
Now this is HISTORY WITH A SOCIAL TWIST! Love it! And we're NOT even Eagles fans 🙂
Mr.localhistoryproject2 days ago
Riverside Inn Bar
Hey history fans who love Cranford, NJ history. Have a Cranford local question. Creating a keepsake of the Riverside Inn. Know the facade is new and love it..... but do we bring back the old sign and add it back? YES or No -
It's what we call mixing era history -
Here's the background how we got here 🙂
Mr.localhistoryproject3 days ago
Hey Bernardsville - We have a Tear Down Alert update - Update: Bedminster developer files lawsuit against Bernardsville.
Mr.localhistoryproject5 days ago
Looking for Jersey Boardwalk Live cams -
-Pt. Pleasant
-Seaside Heights
-Ocean City
-Atlantic City
- Wildwood Boardwalk

Don't you think people would love check in to watch? Maybe we can raise money to get it done.

Thoughts? We recently wrote a post about Wildwood and just love the Jersey boards -
Mr.localhistoryproject1 week ago
Who knows about Route 22s Flagship? There for almost 75 years, a reader has nominated the iconic Flagship to the New Jersey Historic Wooden Village Keepsake collection. Does it deserve it. Click the photo below and VOTE.

YouTube Video Channel – Mr. Local History Project

Liar – Route 31 Did Go Thru Bedminster & Bernardsville

Did you know that US Route 206 actually used to be Route 31 and what is US Route 202 was actually Route 32?

Here are the signs!
Here are the signs!

So now you tell your friend “Take Route 31 North Thru Bedminster
and Turn Right onto Route 32 straight into Bernardsville.” Huh. “Route 31 goes to Clinton right? Left? WRONG! Confused?

Travel back to 1935 and you definitely would have been.

Maybe you could travel down Mine Brook Road to Bernardsville and the directions read take Route 32 south to Bville and stop at the dairy. Or maybe you’re coming down from Chester and you wanted to visit the Brady’s Hamilton Farm in Peapack/Bedminster and you actually have to go down Route 31. Well that was actually the case right up until 1935 when the transition began to change these two crossroads across the Somerset Hills to Routes 202 and 206.

How Confusing?

Have you ever had such a major roadway change names in your lifetime? Your whole psychic changes. Think about how much confusion there is when the Department of Transportation changes highway exits and how long it takes you to forget the old ones and replace it with the new numbers. Geeze, I think there’s still exit signs on the southern end of Route 202 South that still say Old Exit 2B.

Read More »Liar – Route 31 Did Go Thru Bedminster & Bernardsville