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Lamington House and Trump National Bedminster New Jersey

Collectible: Preserving Bedminster’s History with a Special Keepsake – Trump’s Summer Whitehouse

Views: 12,322 #45-47summerwhitehouse Preserving Bedminster’s History – The Mr. Local History Project (MLH) has been preserving and promoting local history since our non-profit organization was established in 2019. The all-volunteer group started a wooden miniature keepsake program to share history… Read More »Collectible: Preserving Bedminster’s History with a Special Keepsake – Trump’s Summer Whitehouse

Mr Local History explores the 1856 Presidential election

America’s First Republican Vice President Nominee – Basking Ridge’s William Dayton Beats out Abraham Lincoln

Views: 4,887 Americans think the Biden/Trump election was one for the ages, exposing huge ideological beliefs, highly charged politics, and a fight for American values. Looking back at history, most people know the presidential challenges as the country tore apart… Read More »America’s First Republican Vice President Nominee – Basking Ridge’s William Dayton Beats out Abraham Lincoln