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Farming was everything in the Somerset Hills - Mr Local History Project

REFLECTION: Somerset County Farms, Orchards, Dairies, Stables & Historic Preservation Landmarks

Views: 7,010 Note: 2024, MLHP increased the coverage to include all of Somerset County active farm stands, farmers markets, private farms, historic farms and farm preservation projects in the county. Specific farms for equestrian activity, xmas trees and other categories… Read More »REFLECTION: Somerset County Farms, Orchards, Dairies, Stables & Historic Preservation Landmarks

How Awesome – We Just Got Your Submission….but now we need your help!

Don’t think you can’t make a difference because you can. The Mr. Local History Project is a 100% all volunteer organization. We give our time to share Jersey history with a social twist – and you have to admit we made this challenge with a social twist. Hope you picked up some history along the way.

We will be working on your crawl profile for the Wall of Fame shortly.
Make a donation below – but also consider a wooden keepsake. View the collection.

The Mr. Local History Project is a 501c3 all volunteer non-profit organization. We have two goals. One is to create an ongoing scholarship fund to present annually to a Senior High School recipient. The second is to promote local history and create programs with a social twist. Your pledge goes fully to support those two efforts.

Click to make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATION – MLH is a 501c3 non-profit charity and needs donations to survive.
MLH is a 501c3 non-profit public charity. Donations are the life blood to keep us running.

Pledge Your Support – Help Preserve and Promote Our Collective Local History

Mr Local History also accepts Venmo – Just scan the QR code or find us under “Charity” @mrlocalhistory

Each year the Mr. Local History Project works with area high schools to make a unrestricted scholarship to a worthy senior.
Please help us continue this annual tradition.

Regular Mail

For those who prefer traditional mail to make donations, mail to:

Mr. Local History Project Giving Campaign
184 W. Oak Street, Suite 101
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920

Per IRS requirements, donations of $250 or more will be recognized with a receipt.

Mr Local History is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization recognized by the State of New Jersey and the IRS.
Mr Local History is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization recognized by the State of New Jersey and the IRS.
Cold as Balls - Cold as a witches tit

Origins of Cold as Balls and Cold as a Witch’s Teet

The phrase “cold as balls” reportedly comes from the contraction of metal on ship’s cannons, causing the iron balls to fall. The expression “cold as a witch’s tit” originated from the belief that witches, portrayed as cold-blooded in the 1600s, had an ‘unholy’ body part feeding familiars or the devil.