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MLH Magazines

Farming was everything in the Somerset Hills - Mr Local History Project

REFLECTION: Somerset County Farms, Orchards, Dairies, Stables & Historic Preservation Landmarks

Views: 7,018 Note: 2024, MLHP increased the coverage to include all of Somerset County active farm stands, farmers markets, private farms, historic farms and farm preservation projects in the county. Specific farms for equestrian activity, xmas trees and other categories… Read More »REFLECTION: Somerset County Farms, Orchards, Dairies, Stables & Historic Preservation Landmarks

Cold as Balls - Cold as a witches tit

Origins of Cold as Balls and Cold as a Witch’s Teet

The phrase “cold as balls” reportedly comes from the contraction of metal on ship’s cannons, causing the iron balls to fall. The expression “cold as a witch’s tit” originated from the belief that witches, portrayed as cold-blooded in the 1600s, had an ‘unholy’ body part feeding familiars or the devil.