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The Besties Mr Local History

The Besties – The Best of the Best in Basking Ridge, Bernardsville, Bedminster in Northern Somerset County

Views: 15,283 2024 Suggestions – Post your favs in Comments We dare to compare! Bedminster, Bernardsville, Basking Ridge, Far Hills, Peapack/Gladstone, also known as The Somerset Hills. It’s time for a real discussion on where to get the best things… Read More »The Besties – The Best of the Best in Basking Ridge, Bernardsville, Bedminster in Northern Somerset County

Have a Passion for Local History?

The Mr. Local History Project is ALWAYS looking out for those who want to take an entrepreneurial spirit towards history. We are an extremely social group that wants to associate with those who make a difference by doing!

We try, we win, we fail, we learn, and we try again. Some of our ideas work, and some don’t. But we’re always trying to find new ways to share local history.

Want to get involved? Drop us a note and lets talk.

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