
Why List a Historic District on the New Jersey Register of Historic Places?

The New Jersey Register of Historic Places is the official list of New Jersey's historic resources of local, state, and…

4 years ago

Collectible: Preserving Bedminster’s History with a Special Keepsake – Trump’s Summer Whitehouse

#45-47summerwhitehouse Preserving Bedminster's History - The Mr. Local History Project (MLH) has been preserving and promoting local history since our…

4 years ago

Somerset Hills Most Famous Families & Residents

With our Board of Trustees settled into Central New Jersey, isn't it fun to know what famous people live or…

4 years ago

Retrospective: Westfield’s Excellent Diner – A Lost (and Found) Jersey Treasure

Or maybe we need to say: Give everyone the Disneyland Paris CafĂ© des Cascadeurs (Stuntman's) diner update. #disneylandparisdiner As with…

4 years ago

Franklin Corners and William Childs Williamsburg-esqe Village

As with all Mr. Local History retrospectives, we often update the post when we learn stories and are sent photos…

4 years ago

The Lost Charters of Bernards Township & Bedminster

UPDATE: While we wrote this piece years ago, the Bedminster Charter came back in the news on October 21, 2019,…

4 years ago

Bernards BaseBall Club of 1867

The history of Basking Ridge (Bernards Township) sometimes comes in unique ways. While researching the internet for another story we…

4 years ago

Jersey Comfort Food – Mapping The Best of the Best!

UPDATE: MLHP just created a new map - Super Sized Pizzas of New Jersey - for those who want 24"…

4 years ago

Retrospective: Harry Dunham and His Park

As with all Mr. Local History retrospectives, we often update the post when we learn stories and are sent photos…

4 years ago

Retrospective: Westfield’s Iconic Jolly Trolley

This is a personal story and what I'm calling a web gift from the WHS class of 1980 to all…

4 years ago

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