
2024: Bernards Township Charter Day2024: Bernards Township Charter Day

2024: Bernards Township Charter Day

Planning is already underway working with Mother Nature to bring Charter Day a nice warm sunny day for May 18,…

2 years ago
Retrospective: The History Behind Bernards Township Charter Day & That CharterRetrospective: The History Behind Bernards Township Charter Day & That Charter

Retrospective: The History Behind Bernards Township Charter Day & That Charter

Why We Celebrate Bernards Township Charter Day The first Charter Day street fair celebration in Bernards Township was held on…

2 years ago
‘Buy A Veteran a Burger’ Fundraiser For Our Lyons VA Veterans‘Buy A Veteran a Burger’ Fundraiser For Our Lyons VA Veterans

‘Buy A Veteran a Burger’ Fundraiser For Our Lyons VA Veterans

Again this year, we're hoping that you will participate with the Mr. Local History Project and support #buyavetaburger is a…

2 years ago
Township Resolution Honors Bernards Township DayTownship Resolution Honors Bernards Township Day

Township Resolution Honors Bernards Township Day

The Bernards Township Committee passed Resolution #2023-0244 honoring Bernards Township Day of Community Service and Pride to be held across…

2 years ago
Missing Jersey Food Classics? These Ship NationwideMissing Jersey Food Classics? These Ship Nationwide

Missing Jersey Food Classics? These Ship Nationwide

Being a Jersey native, there are so many things to love about the state, including unique Jersey food. Our researchers…

2 years ago
Sir Francis Bernard Social Media History SeriesSir Francis Bernard Social Media History Series

Sir Francis Bernard Social Media History Series

FRANCIS BERNARD, NEW JERSEY’S FORGOTTEN GOVERNOR SOCIAL MEDIA HISTORY SERIES  The Mr. Local History Project hopes you've been following our…

2 years ago
Three Sister Towns Historic Links to Governor Sir Francis BernardThree Sister Towns Historic Links to Governor Sir Francis Bernard

Three Sister Towns Historic Links to Governor Sir Francis Bernard

Amid controversy and intrigue, we have been writing for years about a controversial figure in early American history who served…

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Jersey Pizzerias and Heroin – The Mafia’s Pizza Connection TrialJersey Pizzerias and Heroin – The Mafia’s Pizza Connection Trial

Jersey Pizzerias and Heroin – The Mafia’s Pizza Connection Trial

How the mafia used pizzerias to become the largest heroin distributor in America using Sicilians, pizza, and a front for…

2 years ago
The Brothers’ Bridges and Their Family’s New Jersey Burger DynastyThe Brothers’ Bridges and Their Family’s New Jersey Burger Dynasty

The Brothers’ Bridges and Their Family’s New Jersey Burger Dynasty

EVERY TIME we try to come up with an answer, our Jersey hamburger story takes a twist. While there remain…

2 years ago
The White Diamond Chain – New Jersey Burger RoyaltyThe White Diamond Chain – New Jersey Burger Royalty

The White Diamond Chain – New Jersey Burger Royalty

The White Diamond just got enshrined into the Jersey "Wear Local History Collection." The New Jersey White Diamond chain was…

2 years ago