Again this year, we’re hoping that you will participate with the Mr. Local History Project and support #buyavetaburger is a grass- roots campaign that started years ago to bring and prepare food for formerly homeless veterans at the Lyons VA Valley Brook housing complex, a quasi government development that temporarily houses homeless veterans to get them on their feet.
Our mission is simple….. Mr. Local History Project wants to help and is providing an online platform for those who have not seen one of the “Buy a Vet a Burger” jar that are located at a number of local eateries.
We hope the community to support the cause to purchase food from local eateries to feed the veterans. It’s a WIN-WIN for everyone involved. 100% of your donation to this online effort purchases food to feed these veterans.
Brooks Betz, Trustee, Mr. Local History Project and sponsor to the “Buy a Vet a Burger” campaign.
Buy a Veteran a Burger “In the News”
- Tap Into Basking Ridge – Buy a Vet a Burger story
- Tap Into Scotch Plains – Buy a Vet a Burger at John’s Meat Market in Scotch Plains Grows to Thousands of Meals
- Video – Buy a Vet a Burger Thank You
If you prefer to send a check, please feel free to write a check to:
Mr. Local History Project c/o Vet Fundraiser
184 W. Oak Street, Suite 101
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920