The Basking Ridge Historic Oak Tree Project Keepsake is a Treasure
If you’ve been touched by the story of the Basking Ridge Historic Oak Tree’s 600-year history, you have to see this new book. “The Historic Basking Ridge Oak Tree Project” is a compilation of the area’s children from Kindergarten through High School who have written or drawn pictures of one of the most historic trees in America.

The Basking Ridge Historic Oak Tree Project is one of the most heartwarming books ever made to celebrate the life and history of the 619 year oak tree that was lost in 2017. It’ll pull on your heart strings.
Meg Wastie, Historic Oak Tree Project coordinator
Project Essence
The Basking Ridge Historic Oak Tree Project sought kindergarten through high school students to participate in The Historical Society of Somerset Hills “Tree Views” writing contest and the William Annin Tree Shirt Contest & Fundraiser. The essay premise was that students would write as if they were the historic oak and describe events they felt notable. Every school in Bernards Township participated, including Cedar Hill School, Liberty Corner School, Mount Prospect School, Oak Street School, William Annin Middle School, Ridge High School, St. James Catholic School, and one from the Assumption School. The tree shirt contest raised over $5440 in selling tee shirts while the Historical Society presented a $500 scholarship to the high school essay winner.
Below are a few examples from the 145-page collection of stories and images of the Great White Oak of Basking Ridge (Click Images to enlarge):
Limited Availability – Easy Online Ordering
The inaugural run of the book became available on Thursday, June 8, 2017, starting at 7 p.m. at the Tree Views Essay Reception at the historic Westminster Hall at the Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church, next to where the historic oak lived. Over 100 guests attended the release, where authors and artists read their essays. A book signing followed, which was one of the most touching events we’ve ever seen.
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